University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Report an Incident

Reporting Issues to the Title VI Office

Anyone can make a report of Title VI Misconduct. Reports of Title VI Misconduct should be made directly to the Title VI Office. Any university office, unit, department, or college that receives a report of or observes an instance of Title VI Misconduct must report such to the Title VI Office. University employees with supervisory or management responsibilities are obligated to report any and all observations and complaints of Title VI Misconduct to the Title VI Office.

To learn more about Title VI Misconduct, visit the definitions page.

Reports of Title VI Misconduct may be made using any of the following options:

  • File a Report or Complaint with, or give notice to, the Title VI Coordinator. Such a Report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by telephone (217-300-1311) or email (, or by mail to the office address (614 East Daniel St., Suite 303, Champaign, IL 61820).
  • Report online via the Title VI Misconduct form below.

What to expect after reporting

Upon receiving a report of Title VI Misconduct, the Title VI Office will follow the written Title VI Procedures.

Upon receiving a report, the Title VI Office will evaluate whether the allegations are within the scope of Title VI Misconduct. If the report is determined to be within the scope of the Title VI Office, outreach will be sent to the complainant (if identified). The outreach will invite the complainant to an intake meeting, the purpose of which is to gather additional information about the reported conduct and the individuals involved, understand how the complainant has been impacted, provide the complainant with campus and community resources, identify supportive measures, explain the Title VI process, and discuss how the complainant wishes to resolve the matter.

The Title VI Office will then conduct factfinding as appropriate and conduct a hostile environment analysis for each report of Title VI Misconduct. Finally, the Title VI Office will communicate to the affected individuals when a report is closed. See the Title VI Procedures, above, for additional details about each of these steps.

In addressing reports of Title VI Misconduct, per the Title VI Procedures, the Title VI Office may collaborate with one or more different offices, including but not limited to the below. If reports do not fall into the scope of the Title VI Office, they may be referred to one of the offices below, as appropriate.

Consideration for free speech and academic freedom

Free speech and academic freedom are foundational to our university’s missions of discovery and exploration. Questioning ideas, posing alternative opinions, and presenting different perspectives is how we create knowledge and help everyone to have more meaningful engagement with the world around them. The manner in which those freedoms are expressed is not unlimited and expressive conduct must still comply with applicable laws and university policies.