University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

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COVID-19 Operations Update

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is open and available to serve the University of Illinois community. 

  • Our new office location at 614 E. Daniel Street, Third Floor, is now open. All visitors will be required to follow applicable campus safety guidelines, including face coverings and Safer Illinois App requirements.  
  • All services and staff are available both online and via phone during business hours Monday through Friday, between 8:30 am and 5 pm.  
  • In-person meetings, interviews, and appointments are available by request and can be scheduled in advance. Please allow 2 business days to schedule an in-person meeting.  

On Campus Services

OVCDEI Administrative Offices

To schedule an in-person meeting with the OVCDEI administrators located at 614 E. Daniel Street, please call (217) 300-9580 or email  

Requests, Claims, and Reports  

The Office for Access & Equity continues to process requests for reasonable accommodations, discrimination and harassment claims, and sexual misconduct reports that we receive. All of our teams, including the Affirmative Action Analytics and Planning, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Accessibility and Accommodations Divisions are currently able to follow up with you virtually online or by phone. Meetings and interviews will be conducted online or by phone. In-person meetings are available by request.

To discuss scheduling an in-person meeting with the Office for Access & Equity, please call (217) 333-0885, email, or view our staff directory for specific contact information.  

Title IX, Sexual Misconduct Reports, and Support 

The Title IX Office staff remains available to respond to sexual misconduct reports and provide information about rights and options, provide pregnancy-related assistance for students, and to answer questions and discuss concerns.   

At this time, the Title IX Office is offering phone, Zoom, and in-person appointments. If you would like to meet in-person, the meeting will be held in the Title IX conference room and masks will be required. Please call (217) 333-3333 or email to schedule an in-person meeting.  

Academic Search Process  

OAE will continue to approve academic search forms on a normal basis. In-person campus interviews are allowed, so long as all participants follow applicable university guidelines. All visitors, faculty, staff and students must wear a face covering in university spaces indoors, regardless of vaccination status. All visitors to campus are welcome to utilize the SHIELD CU testing program. Interviews can continue to be conducted by video or phone if preferred.  If you have questions or need assistance with a search, please email

Academic Inclusive Excellence Diversity Programs and Trainings 

In-person training has resumed but is currently limited for the Spring semester. Hybrid training is available using an online platform by request, so that we can continue delivering and serving our campus. Our staff will evaluate every request.

To request a training, please complete the DEI Trainings Request Form. For additional questions, please contact Linden Reid at (217) 300-9822 or email  

Updated December 21, 2021